

A.Let me be your banker.()让我做你的银行家。

B.He kept up a sly occasional acquaintance with her when out of the vision of his wife.()他在妻子视线之外时,与她保持着偶尔的、偷偷的接触。

C.From the depths of its being,they are endeavoring to bring about a radical transformation of human life.()从深层次来讲,他们正致力于为人类生活带来剧烈转变。

D.All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and through destruction of nuclear weapons.()所有热爱和平的人士都要求完全禁止和彻底销毁核武器。

正确答案:All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and through destruction of nuclear weapons.()所有热爱和平的人士都要求完全禁止和彻底销毁核武器。

Tag:翻译理论与实践 核武器 人士 时间:2023-12-17 20:52:57