Why there are both facilities and difficulties in translating such sophisticated works as Jin Yong's martial arts fiction in the view of translators?

Why there are both facilities and difficulties in translating such sophisticated works as Jin Yong's martial arts fiction in the view of translators?

A.Comparing with martial arts novel, most of us may feel quite disappointed about the real duel, for it seems so different from the kung fu masters and the exciting scene of fighting we may expect. It looks more like a street brawl than a real professional fight.

B.These novels are not only the finest specimens of martial arts fiction but have also transcended the genre to stand as fiction pure and simple, or even as Literature.

C.The writers influenced by Western literature and the vernacular movement in early 20th century, have consciously shaped their own language to keep up with the time. But all culturally specific items can become a nightmare for translators.

D.Since the martial arts fiction has often been labeled as a sub-genre of popular literature, together with science fiction, love romance and some other types of fantasy writing, its translation valve is not so easy to be found.

正确答案: The writers influenced by Western literature and the vernacular movement in early 20th century, have consciously shaped their own language to keep up with the time. But all culturally specific items can become a nightmare for translators.

Tag:从古典到现代中国文化系列英文专题 时间:2022-01-04 14:21:05