What’s the symbolic incident that marks the birth of the New School martial arts fiction?

What’s the symbolic incident that marks the birth of the New School martial arts fiction?

A.The Civil War in China in late 1940s.

B.A boxing duel held in Macaw between a Taiji master Wu Gongyi and a White Crane Boxing master Chen Kefu.

C.The famous patriotic icon Huang Feihong first appeared in newspaper stories and was later fully constructed via movies and television.

D.A serial novel: Dragon and Tiger Vie in the Capital wrote by Liang Yusheng.

正确答案:A boxing duel held in Macaw between a Taiji master Wu Gongyi and a White Crane Boxing master Chen Kefu.

Tag:从古典到现代中国文化系列英文专题 时间:2022-01-04 14:20:57