Read the following disordered complaint letter and then rearrange the order:

Read the following disordered complaint letter and then rearrange the order:

A.26 May , 2018B.I bought the hair drier – a RAVLON 405 – on Sunday 22nd May.Unfortunately, the first time I tried to use it the handle became extremely hot and within a few minutes part of the plastic casing began to melt.I had to turn it off immediately.C.To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could send me a full refund as soon as possible.Enclosed are the hair drier and a copy of the original receipt.D.Yours faithfully,Ms Sabrina SariE.48 Hill Road,London, SE1 6PN.F.Then I returned it with the receipt to your shop on Monday.I explained the situation to one of the assistant and asked for my money back but was told I had to speak to you.Unfortunately you were not available that day so I am writing instead.G.The Manager;Design Shop,12 Abbey Gate,London, NW3 5AP.H.I am writing to complain about a hair drier bought in your shop last Sunday and about the treatment I received when I tried to return it a few days later.I.I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem.Thank you in advance.J.Dear Sir or Madam,

A.E; A; H; J; I; B; F; C G D

B.E; A; I; J; H; B; F; C; G; D

C.C; G; D; E; A; H; J; I; B; F

D.C; G; D; E; A; J; H; I; B; F

正确答案:E; A; H; J; I; B; F; C G D

Tag:大学英语创新写作 时间:2024-01-12 11:30:43
