Read the following paragraphs carefully and rearrange the paragraphsParagraph1.I believe that advances in technology make the world better.The following are three reasons that I have to support my opinion.

Read the following paragraphs carefully and rearrange the paragraphsParagraph1.I believe that advances in technology make the world better.The following are three reasons that I have to support my opinion.

A.Next, advances in technology allow people to be more connected with each other.The Internet, for example, has allowed businesses and people to communicate with each other much more easily than older methods such as phone, fax or mail.

B.Many people oppose advances in technology because they are both; worried of the current level of technology and afraid of potential problems that may be caused by future technologies.However, the most important point to remember is that technology will always be advancing, whether we want it to or not.Therefore, the best way to deal with this situation is to think about ways we can ensure that future advances in technology will not harm our quality of life.To put it another way, we cannot sacrifice our well-being for future conveniences.

C.To begin with, technology makes the world better because it helps business people do their business more efficiently.Information technology and computers have made it possible for complicated tasks to be done in much less time than it would have taken without them.

D.To sum up, I believe that technological advancement makes the world better! Furthermore, the potential dangers of technological advancement can be prevented by standards and regulations that protect the environment and uphold our morals.

E.Finally, technology can help us to solve problems, even problems that other technologies created in the first place! On many occasions technology is developed and put into use before people know all of the potential negative side effects.Further research, however, can develop the technology even more so that we can take advantage of its benefits while avoiding its potential shortcomings.






Tag:大学英语创新写作 时间:2024-01-12 11:30:41
