太湖奇峰环抱,烟水迷蒙,自然天成的湖光山色 美不胜收。该句最佳译文为()

太湖奇峰环抱,烟水迷蒙,自然天成的湖光山色 美不胜收。该句最佳译文为()

A、Grotesque peaks around and mist over the surface have turned the Taihu Lake into a marvelous natural landscape.

B、The grotesque peaks around and the mist over the surface,the Taihu Lake is really a fascinating natural landscape.

C、Thanks to the grotesque peaks around and the mist over the surface,the Taihu Lake is really a fascinating natural landscape.

D、Grotesque peaks around and mist over the surface form into harmonious natural scenery of the Taihu Lake.


Tag:英汉汉英笔译 太湖 烟水 时间:2024-09-13 12:03:50