The peak years of psychedelic rock were 1967’s Summer of Love;and 1969’s Woodstock Festival.About these two events, which one is not true?

The peak years of psychedelic rock were 1967’s Summer of Love;and 1969’s Woodstock Festival.About these two events, which one is not true?

A.That famous summer attracted over 100, 000 young people flocking to San Francisco to enjoy a summer of drugs, sex and rock &; roll.

B.Woodstock Festival;in 1969 attracted over 400, 000 people to attenD.C.Summer of Love;in 1967 was a time when young people in America got together to question the society in which they grew up.

D.In Woodstock Festival, many Hippies took drugs, which caused a lot of fighting and violence.

正确答案:In Woodstock Festival, many Hippies took drugs, which caused a lot of fighting and violence.

Tag:英语电影赏析 时间:2023-12-16 13:54:14