The news that his wife Iris Holland was pregnant brought happiness to the couple.But unfortunately, his son Cole was born deaf.What is Mr.Holland’ s first reaction to this?

The news that his wife Iris Holland was pregnant brought happiness to the couple.But unfortunately, his son Cole was born deaf.What is Mr.Holland’ s first reaction to this?

A.Mr.Holland reacted with hostility to the news that he can never teach the joys of music to his own chilD.B.Mr.Holland gave up his teaching career and taught his son at home by himself.

C.Mr.Holland was so upset that he even stop his music dream.

D.Mr.Holland didn’t accept this truth and wanted to deny the fact.

正确答案:Mr.Holland didn’t accept this truth and wanted to deny the fact.

Tag:英语电影赏析 时间:2023-12-16 13:54:08