


1、阅读附件的文章回答下列问题:Compared with today';s museums, those of the past

A.did not present history in a detailed way.

B.were not primarily intended for the public.

C.were more clearly organiseD.D.preserved items with greater care.

正确答案:were not primarily intended for the public.

2、阅读附件的文章回答下列问题:According to the writer, current trends in the heritage industry

A.emphasise personal involvement.

B.have their origins in York and London.

C.rely on computer images.

D.reflect minority tastes.

正确答案:emphasise personal involvement.

3、阅读附件的文章回答下列问题:The writer says that in preparing exhibits for museums, experts

A.should pursue a single objective.

B.have to do a certain amount of language translation.

C.should be free from commercial constraints.

D.have to balance conflicting priorities.

正确答案:have to balance conflicting priorities.

4、阅读附件的文章回答下列问题:The passage ends by noting that our view of history is biased because

A.we fail to use our imagination.

B.only very durable objects remain from the past.

C.we tend to ignore things that displease us.

D.museum exhibits focus too much on the local area.

正确答案:only very durable objects remain from the past.

5、阅读附件文章,做出判断。;Australians have been turning to alternative therapies in increasing numbers over the past 20 years.

YES; if the statement agrees with the views of the writer

NO; if the statements contradicts the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN; if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this





6、阅读附件文章,做出判断。; Between 1983 and 1990 the numbers of patients visiting alternative therapists rose to include a further 8% of the population.

YES; if the statement agrees with the views of the writer

NO; if the statements contradicts the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN; if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this





7、阅读附件文章,做出判断。The 1990 survey related to 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists.

YES; if the statement agrees with the views of the writer

NO; if the statements contradicts the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN; if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this