


1、Why is good customer service especially important for a small CVB?

A.CVBs with excellent customer service tend to attract better employees.

B.Smaller CVBs must maintain higher standards than larger bureaus.

C.Offering superior service for the same price as larger competitors gives it an advantage.

D.Smaller CVBs must work harder to prove their worth to the community.

正确答案:Offering superior service for the same price as larger competitors gives it an advantage.

2、Which of the following CVB services would probably be of least interest to meeting planners?

A.Identifying community facilities that are bus-friendly

B.Providing staff to work conference registration

C.Referring meeting planners to local services such as florists, caterers, or professional speakers

D.Acting as a reservation agent for conference participants

正确答案:Identifying community facilities that are bus-friendly

3、In what way are motor coach groups different from meeting or convention groups?

A.Motor coach group participants tend to come from farther away.

B.Motor coach group participants are much younger.

C.Motor coach groups are much larger and arrive at the destination by plane.

D.Motor coach groups are smaller and go to a destination for sightseeing.

正确答案:Motor coach groups are smaller and go to a destination for sightseeing.

4、Why is a CVB in the best position to handle arrangements for local government officials to appear at conference welcome events?

A.Local government officials may also be CVB board members.

B.The CVB is likely to have contributed to the officials’ campaigns at one time or another.

C.The CVB knows which officials have the most time for public appearances.

D.The CVB should already have a good working relationship with local government entities.

正确答案:The CVB should already have a good working relationship with local government entities.

5、Lead generation is an expensive venture for a CVB becaus


A.clients charge fees when potential customers are sent to them.

B.the bills generated by long-distance phone calls are high.

C.of the extensive staff time requireD.D.advertising expenses are high.

正确答案:of the extensive staff time required.


1、What is prospecting?

A.Searching for CVB funding sources