

1、Which of the following common expressions about the notion of time represent the M-time (Monochronic-time) culture?

A. Time is money.

B. Punctuality messes up schedules.

C.A watch did not invent man.

D.Time waits for no one.

正确答案: Time is money.#Time waits for no one.

2、Which of the following statements are true?

A.Compared with nonverbal communication, verbal communication is more likely to be context dependent.

B.Verbal communication is exclusive to the users of a particular language, whereas some nonverbal codes are recognized across cultures.

C.Verbal and nonverbal communication are not contradictory to each other, but they are complementary.

D.There are very fewer chances of confusion in verbal communication between the sender and receiver than in nonverbal communication.

正确答案:Verbal communication is exclusive to the users of a particular language, whereas some nonverbal codes are recognized across cultures. #Verbal and nonverbal communication are not contradictory to each other, but they are complementary.#There are very fewer chances of confusion in verbal communication between the sender and receiver than in nonverbal communication.

3、In which country does nodding your head up and down mean “no”?


B. Russia


D. Finland


4、Which of the following statements about verbal communication is not true?

A.Verbal communication is symbolic and meanings are established through its use.

B.In some sense, the language you speak influences the way you view the world.

C. Verbal communication is more vulnerable to misunderstanding.

D.Culture influences the meanings that are given to words and the words that are actually used.

正确答案: Verbal communication is more vulnerable to misunderstanding.

5、 Silence in dominant American culture is often linked to credibility. That is, someone who is silent is often perceived as having higher credibility than someone who talks a lot.




6、The OK gesture means positively in Arabic culture.




7、According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, language determines the way we think, in other words, language shapes our thought.




8、Most low power distance cultures are individualistic societies.

Tag:智慧树 知到 中西文化比较与跨文化交际 时间:2022-05-23 22:20:47