1、Which one is not the main recruiting methods of Dell ?
A.Employee referral program
C.Internship programs
D.Campus recruitment
正确答案:Campus recruitment
2、Which one is the disadvantage of “employee referral program”?
A.Rejections may produce discontent; telling them why you rejected them and what modificatory actions they might take is crucial
B.Knowing a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses
C.Inside candidates may require less orientation and (perhaps) training than outsiders
D.Current employees may also be more committed to the company
正确答案:Rejections may produce discontent; telling them why you rejected them and what modificatory actions they might take is crucial
3、Which one is the advantage of “E-recruiting”?
A.Online application recruiting may inadvertently exclude disproportionate numbers of older applicants because fewer of them use the Internet.
B.It provides organizations with a highly cost effective and efficient means of attract qualified applicants on a global basis, reducing traditional job adverts cost.
C.The risk of cheating and faking has also been increased.
D.Using e-recruiting at organizations may involve some legal risks.
正确答案:It provides organizations with a highly cost effective and efficient means of attract qualified applicants on a global basis, reducing traditional job adverts cost.
4、Which one is not included in “Job description”?
A. job title
D.the main tasks
5、Which one is not included in “Person specification”?
B.personal skills
D. job title
正确答案: job title
6、 Which one is not the idea that help P & G spans three centuries?
7、Which one is not included in the recruitment process of P & G?
A.Development of Recruitment Plan
B.Proposal of job description and recruitment criteria for job openings
C.Evaluate the employees’ working ability
D.Applicants apply for registration
正确答案:Evaluate the employees’ working ability
8、 When you want to submit an application in P&G’s official website, which information you do not need?