Which of the following might be appropriate to answer the question like“What is your salary expectation?”

Which of the following might be appropriate to answer the question like“What is your salary expectation?”

A.“I think I can be offered with high salary because I have confidence in myself.”

B.I have got a pretty good idea of the range by looking through similar job postings, recruitment firm salary guides or websites like Glassdoor and find other jobs are higher paid than your company.”

C.“Based on my research, comparable positions with candidates with a similar background to mine are paying between $50,000 to$60,000, so I would like to be paid in the midpoint of that range.”

D.“Based on my research, comparable positions with candidates with a similar background to mine are paying between $50,000 to$60,000, so I would like to be paid with the higheset amount.”

正确答案:“Based on my research, comparable positions with candidates with a similar background to mine are paying between $50,000 to$60,000, so I would like to be paid in the midpoint of that range.”

Tag:高级英语视听说与逻辑思辨 时间:2022-03-29 20:02:53