Which of the following might be appropriate to answer the question like “What is your biggest weakness?”

Which of the following might be appropriate to answer the question like “What is your biggest weakness?”

A.“Well, I am a bit slow in reaction to problems and poor in time management.”

B.“Well, currently,I have made great progress in time management although I still have space to improve.”

C.“Well, to be frank, I am not a good team worker, and I would rather work on my own.”

D. “Well, I think I am perfect in my qualities to work for your company, and I cannot think of any weakness related to this aspect.”

正确答案:“Well, currently,I have made great progress in time management although I still have space to improve.”

Tag:高级英语视听说与逻辑思辨 时间:2022-03-29 20:02:50