下列关于多层螺旋CT的优点,错误的是()Which of the following is wrong about the advantages of MSCT()

下列关于多层螺旋CT的优点,错误的是()Which of the following is wrong about the advantages of MSCT()

A.沿Z轴方向有较大的覆盖范围There is a large coverage along the z-axis

B.一次扫描可采集多层数据信息One scan can collect multi-layer data information

C.可提高时间分辨率It can improve the time resolution

D.可提高密度分辨率It can improve the density resolution

E.图像后处理功能更强More powerful image post-processing

正确答案:可提高密度分辨率It can improve the density resolution