以下说法正确的是()Which of the following statements is correct?()

以下说法正确的是()Which of the following statements is correct?()

A.在DR胸部影像上,能够清晰地看出心脏Heart can be seen clearly from DR images of chest

B.在CT图像上,骨骼是白色的,肺是深灰(黑)色的On CT images, the bones are light and the lungs are dark

C.在DR影像上,骨骼是黑色的,肺是白色的On DR images, the bones are black and the lungs are gray

D.在普通CT影像上,能看清楚血管Blood vessels can be seen clearly from CT images

正确答案:在CT图像上,骨骼是白色的,肺是深灰(黑)色的On CT images, the bones are light and the lungs are dark