He gave me so much and I knew so little about him.I felt very guilty in those days.But after that I started to care for the people around me.I think I started to live.译文:他给予我如此之多,而我对他的了解却如此之少。那段日子里,我感到很内疚。可是从此以后,我开始将关心投向周围的人,我开始了新生。
He gave me so much and I knew so little about him.I felt very guilty in those days.But after that I started to care for the people around me.I think I started to live.译文:他给予我如此之多,而我对他的了解却如此之少。那段日子里,我感到很内疚。可是从此以后,我开始将关心投向周围的人,我开始了新生。
- 上一篇:For the adults, kids are the angels sent by God.For the kids, pets are the angels given by the adults.
- 下一篇:同时这些计算机记录下哪些时段是忙的,哪些员工工作效率高,这样就能相应的做出人员人事安排。译文:At the same time, these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allow personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly.