A patient experienced a prolonged stay in one position during a recent surgery and postoperative recovery that resulted in compression of the common peroneal nerve against the fibular head. Inversion of the foot is still intact although weakened. Which of

A patient experienced a prolonged stay in one position during a recent surgery and postoperative recovery that resulted in compression of the common peroneal nerve against the fibular head. Inversion of the foot is still intact although weakened. Which of the following motor deficits would be most likely to occur?

A.Loss of extension at the knee

B.Loss of plantar flexion

C.Loss of flexion at the knee

D.Loss of eversion

E.Loss of medial rotation of the tibia

正确答案:Loss of eversion

Tag:系统解剖学全英文 时间:2021-12-25 14:38:40
