40-year-old woman survived a car crash in which her neck was hyperextended when her vehicle was struck from behind. At the emergency department, a plain radiograph of her cervical spine revealed a fracture of the odontoid process (dens). Which of the foll

40-year-old woman survived a car crash in which her neck was hyperextended when her vehicle was struck from behind. At the emergency department, a plain radiograph of her cervical spine revealed a fracture of the odontoid process (dens). Which of the following was also most likely injured?

A.Anterior arch of the atlas

B.Posterior tubercle of the atlas

C.Atlanto-occipital joint

D.Inferior articular process of the axis

E.Anterior tubercle of the atlas

正确答案:Anterior arch of the atlas

Tag:系统解剖学全英文 时间:2021-12-25 14:38:34