Moe divides his time between studying Physics and studying Economics. His production possibilities curve for his final grade in each class is shown below. According to Moe’s PPC, moving from a 70 to an 80 in economics:

Moe divides his time between studying Physics and studying Economics. His production possibilities curve for his final grade in each class is shown below. According to Moe’s PPC, moving from a 70 to an 80 in economics:

A.has a higher opportunity cost than moving from an 80 to a 90. unattainable.

C.has a lower opportunity cost than moving from an 80 to a 90. inefficient.

正确答案:has a lower opportunity cost than moving from an 80 to a 90.

Tag:微观经济学 中国大学MOOC微观经济学 时间:2021-12-11 14:26:28
