This contract is made by and between A Co. (() called “the seller”) and B Co. (() called “the buyer”), () the seller is willing to sell the buyer the commodities listed hereunder on the terms and conditions stipulated below. Now these presents witness tha

This contract is made by and between A Co. (() called “the seller”) and B Co. (() called “the buyer”), () the seller is willing to sell the buyer the commodities listed hereunder on the terms and conditions stipulated below. Now these presents witness that it is () agreed between the parties hereto as follows.

A.hereof, hereof, whereas, therefore

B.thereafter, thereafter, whereby, thereinafter

C.whereof, whereof, whereby, hereby

D.hereinafter, hereinafter, whereas, hereby


Tag:外经贸英语函电 时间:2021-03-14 14:54:51