关于积极倾听,需要做到以下几点:Tutors will be observing you and looking for indications oF.()

关于积极倾听,需要做到以下几点:Tutors will be observing you and looking for indications oF.()

A.eye contact

B.appropriate interjections or questions

C.verbal acknowledgement through follow-up questions, feedback, agreement or disagreement

D.the use of body language for example nodding or shaking the head, leaning towards the speaker

E.clear and coherent responses

F.Active involvement by using constructive questions, answering questions, and inviting the opinions and contributions of others.

正确答案:eye contact;appropriate interjections or questions;verbal acknowledgement through follow-up questions, feedback, agreement or disagreement;the use of body language for example nodding or shaking the head, leaning towards the speaker;clear and coherent responses;Active involvement by using constructive questions, answering questions, and inviting the opinions and contributions of others.

Tag:学习有道 时间:2024-01-10 10:39:54