An experimenter wants to separate silver atoms in a Stern-Gerlach experiment by at least 1 cm(a large separation) as they exit the magnetic field.To heat the silver, she has an oven that can reach 1000°C and needs to order a suitable magnet.What should be

An experimenter wants to separate silver atoms in a Stern-Gerlach experiment by at least 1 cm(a large separation) as they exit the magnetic field.To heat the silver, she has an oven that can reach 1000°C and needs to order a suitable magnet.What should be the magnet specifications?()

A.57 T·m

B.24 T·m

C.39 T·m

D.75 T·m

正确答案:57 T·m

Tag:原子物理 时间:2024-01-03 15:10:35