Which of the following statements is not true about the different friendship patterns in different cultures?

Which of the following statements is not true about the different friendship patterns in different cultures?

A.Undoubtedly, People in both China and the Western countries value friend and friendship.

B.Once established, friendships tend to be intense and long-lasting in Chinese culture.

C.Friendships in the United States and other individualist western countries tend to be more transient and voluntary.

D.As a result, the normal pattern is for Westerners to have a relatively small number of friends over the course of a lifetime, according to Don Snow,the author of the book Encounters with Westerners.

正确答案:As a result, the normal pattern is for Westerners to have a relatively small number of friends over the course of a lifetime, according to Don Snow,the author of the book Encounters with Westerners.

Tag:英语主题漫谈 时间:2023-12-26 21:02:37