Which of the following about the passive voice is true?

Which of the following about the passive voice is true?

A.The subject of a sentence or clause featuring the passive voice typically denotes the recipient of the action(the patient) rather than the performer(the agent).

B.The passive voice in English is formed periphrastically:the usual form uses the auxiliary verb be(or get) together with the past participle of the main verb.

C.“Be given” is a passive voice structure.

D.The passive voice is a grammatical construction.

正确答案:The subject of a sentence or clause featuring the passive voice typically denotes the recipient of the action(the patient) rather than the performer(the agent).The passive voice in English is formed periphrastically:the usual form uses the auxiliary verb be(or get) together with the past participle of the main verb.“Be given” is a passive voice structure.The passive voice is a grammatical construction.

Tag:主题英语 时间:2023-12-17 20:49:23