Read the following passage and identify the problem of reasoning.Julia gets a chain letter (需要收信人复写多份寄出的连锁信) that threatens her with dire consequences if she breaks the chain. She laughs at it and throws it in the garbage. On her way to work she slips and

Read the following passage and identify the problem of reasoning.Julia gets a chain letter (需要收信人复写多份寄出的连锁信) that threatens her with dire consequences if she breaks the chain. She laughs at it and throws it in the garbage. On her way to work she slips and breaks her leg. When she gets back from the hospital she sends out 100 copies of the chain letter, hoping to avoid further accidents.

A、Hasty generalization.

B、False cause.

C、False analogy.

D、Effect taking place before the cause.

正确答案:False cause.

Tag:收信人 时间:2023-10-31 10:25:55