Which of the following statements can be a premise used in reasoning by definition?

Which of the following statements can be a premise used in reasoning by definition?

A、There has been an increase in the underground water level column at all place in Ningbo due to the last year’s monsoon rains.

B、Since the current job market prefers computer literate workforce, computer education has been made compulsory for all the classes by many schools.

C、A liberal is, in a writer’s words, someone who wants to allow criminals to run free on the streets while sacrificing the rights of innocent victims.

D、Much of this research into the causes of AIDS and potential treatments is funded by the US government and privately run foundations, so college students considering a career in politics or the non-profit sector will need to be informed about the disease.

正确答案:A liberal is, in a writer’s words, someone who wants to allow criminals to run free on the streets while sacrificing the rights of innocent victims.

Tag: 时间:2023-10-31 10:25:04