Tag:图书馆 北京 社区
时间:2022-05-24 14:41:35
- 1.The three musical tools in poetry are rhythm, rhyme and ().
- 2.In addition to being (), dialogue in fiction should always serve the purpose of revealing character, moving the plot forward, or both.
- 3.Three great prompts for starting the short story are to begin with one of these three starting points:character, event, or ().
- 4.The opposite of a three-dimensional character is ().
- 5.What is the most popular type of genre fiction?
- 6.Which of the following can be seen as the most serious fiction?
- 7.Which of the following does not explain the reason for us to share creative writings with others?
- 8.()becomes foregrounded in the genre of drama, which means it tends to take a more central role than in other genres.
- 9.Three of your best tools in writing drama are characters and characterization, dialogue, and().
- 10.After identifying your characters, you will add your setting, which refers both to ().