Wang Lin began his informative speech by saying:You hear a noise under the hood of your car, so you pull over to the side of the road. Your engine goes dead; you try to start the car, but it just sits there. Then you see a lot of black smoke. What’s happe

Wang Lin began his informative speech by saying:You hear a noise under the hood of your car, so you pull over to the side of the road. Your engine goes dead; you try to start the car, but it just sits there. Then you see a lot of black smoke. What’s happened? Why won’t your car go anywhere?What method for gaining attention and interest did he use?

A.Establishing his credibility as a speaker.

B.Establishing goodwill with the audience.

C.Arousing the curiosity of the audience.

D.Stating the importance of the topic.

正确答案:Arousing the curiosity of the audience.

Tag:英语公众演讲 时间:2022-02-04 20:42:48
