In the video, US president Barack Obama said Nonghao(侬好)in his town hall speech made in Shanghai during his visit to China in 2009.Why did he say Nonghao(侬好)in Shanghai dialect instead of hello in English?

In the video, US president Barack Obama said Nonghao(侬好)in his town hall speech made in Shanghai during his visit to China in 2009.Why did he say Nonghao(侬好)in Shanghai dialect instead of hello in English?

A.Because he wanted to show off his Chinese.

B.Because he wanted to entertain the audience.

C.Because he liked speaking Chinese.

D.Because he wanted to establish a good relationship with the audience.

正确答案:Because he wanted to establish a good relationship with the audience.

Tag:实用英语演讲 时间:2022-01-25 16:03:42