How would we classify this argument?()Ruby used the new OxyPro vitamin supplement and had more energy and lost weight. Makana also took it and had more energy and lost weight. Same with Robert and Kanoe. So, OxyPro will work for you and probably all peopl

How would we classify this argument?()Ruby used the new OxyPro vitamin supplement and had more energy and lost weight. Makana also took it and had more energy and lost weight. Same with Robert and Kanoe. So, OxyPro will work for you and probably all people in gaining energy and losing weight.

A.valid deductive argument.

B.invalid deductive argument.

C.strong inductive argument.

D.weak inductive argument.

正确答案:weak inductive argument.

Tag:英语演讲与辩论 时间:2022-01-19 20:57:31