Which may not be the cause of scientific development after the Civil War?

Which may not be the cause of scientific development after the Civil War?

A.Both the victorious Parliamentarians and the defeated Royalists turned enthusiastically to science and technology for its potential economic and social benefits.

B.Bacon made a theoretical expectation that close and repeated observation of nature would yield powerful laws, on the basis of which dramatic alterations could be made to man’s environment.

C.Royalists in retirement on their country estates, turned to intellectual pastimes in search of money-making initiatives to relieve their financial difficulties.

D.The “new natural philosophy” had become a fashionable pursuit for gentlemen and commoners alike.

正确答案:Bacon made a theoretical expectation that close and repeated observation of nature would yield powerful laws, on the basis of which dramatic alterations could be made to man’s environment.

Tag:英国历史从都铎王朝至今 时间:2022-01-17 21:35:12