W: How much time should I spend on online searching for a job?M: Limit your time online to one-quarter of the total time you can dedicate to your job search.Q: What does the man mean?

W: How much time should I spend on online searching for a job?M: Limit your time online to one-quarter of the total time you can dedicate to your job search.Q: What does the man mean?

A.The woman should spend half of her time searching for a job online.

B.The woman should spend more than half of her time doing an online job search.

C.The woman should spend as little time as possible on a job search online.

D.The woman shouldn’t spend more than 25% of her time on online job search.

正确答案:The woman shouldn’t spend more than 25% of her time on online job search.

Tag:高职公共英语 时间:2022-01-15 22:03:42
