Assume that {A, B, C, D} are variables, the domain of each variable is {u, v, w}, and != denotes not equal, select which of the following expressions is a binary constraint on CSP formalism?设{A, B, C, D}为变量,每个变量的域是{u, v, w},且“!=”表示不等于,从如下表达式中选择那个是CSP形式化的2

Assume that {A, B, C, D} are variables, the domain of each variable is {u, v, w}, and != denotes not equal, select which of the following expressions is a binary constraint on CSP formalism?设{A, B, C, D}为变量,每个变量的域是{u, v, w},且“!=”表示不等于,从如下表达式中选择那个是CSP形式化的2元约束?

A.<(A), A = v>

B.Diff(A, D)

C.A + B = C

D.Alldiff(A, B, C, D)

正确答案:Diff(A, D)

Tag:人工智能原理 变量 表达式 时间:2022-01-15 21:44:40

