The approach of artificial intelligence (AI) which epresents information through symbols and their relationships is () AI, and which represents information in a distributed form within a network is Connectionist AI.凭借符号及他们之间的关系来表征信息的人工智能方法是()AI,而用网络内部的一种分

The approach of artificial intelligence (AI) which epresents information through symbols and their relationships is () AI, and which represents information in a distributed form within a network is Connectionist AI.凭借符号及他们之间的关系来表征信息的人工智能方法是()AI,而用网络内部的一种分布式形式来表征信息的是联结主义AI。



Tag:人工智能原理 表征 符号 时间:2022-01-15 21:44:20
