货物在国际物流节点停留、通过储存和储备来调节整个物流系统的运行体现的是国际物流节点的() 。

货物在国际物流节点停留、通过储存和储备来调节整个物流系统的运行体现的是国际物流节点的() 。

Goods stay at the international logistics node, and adjust the operation of the whole logistics system through storage and reserve reflects ()of the international logistics node.

A.衔接转换功能connection and conversion function

B.储存储备功能storage and reserve function

C.物流信息功能logistics information function

D.物流管理功能logistics management function

正确答案:储存储备功能storage and reserve function

Tag:物流基础 功能 节点 时间:2022-01-13 20:17:32

