A 25-year-old male racing car driver is admitted to the emergency department after a severe car crash. Radiologic studies reveal damage to the tip of the transverse process of the third cervical vertebra, with a significantly large pulsating hematoma. Wha

A 25-year-old male racing car driver is admitted to the emergency department after a severe car crash. Radiologic studies reveal damage to the tip of the transverse process of the third cervical vertebra, with a significantly large pulsating hematoma. What artery is the most likely to have been damaged?

A.Anterior spinal artery

B.Vertebral artery

C.Ascending cervical artery

D.Deep cervical artery

E.Posterior spinal arteries

正确答案:Vertebral artery

Tag:系统解剖学全英文 时间:2021-12-25 14:38:16