Cory gets 18, 23, and 25 units worth of total utility from consuming 10, 11, and 12 raw oysters, respectively, and the price per oyster is 25 cents. Thus, one can infer that Cory:

Cory gets 18, 23, and 25 units worth of total utility from consuming 10, 11, and 12 raw oysters, respectively, and the price per oyster is 25 cents. Thus, one can infer that Cory:

A.has consumed too many oysters. not maximizing his utility.

C.should not consume any more oysters. experiencing diminishing marginal utility.

正确答案:is experiencing diminishing marginal utility.

Tag:微观经济学 中国大学MOOC微观经济学 时间:2021-12-11 14:39:34